White Chocolate Fudge

Healthy Fudge, White Chocolate, Slim Birdy

So I was remembering my younger days and my preference in chocolate was always the milk chocolate type, not dark as that seemed too bitter. Super sweet white chocolate inspired this Healthy White Chocolate Fudge and luckily when you make it yourself, you can adjust the sweetness to suit.

Guess what type of chocolate my grandmother would always get me for Easter – dark chocolate! “Gee thanks Nana.” I would mumble. As it seemed 12 months from the previous Easter was too long a time frame to remember what I liked. (I know, I know I should have been grateful to get anything at all. However when you are a kid, this kind of gratitude seems only to kick in later in life.)

Mostly though I would love the white chocolate – smooth and creamy – usually so sickly sweet though and knowing the issues I had, definitely moreish! Totally the milky bar kid.

So I wondered if I could recreate that taste with real ingredients and off I went to explore. I found some recipes and as usual made some tweaks and ignored other parts and while it’s not what I had in mind, this is good enough to have an identity of its own… Healthy White Chocolate Fudge!!!

It has the taste of a Milky Bar block of chocolate and a chewy texture like those Milk Shake lollies, and it’s all healthy!  – a winning combination if ever there was one.

Drum roll please….

Healthy White Chocolate Fudge

1 cup raw macadamia nuts

3 TBS honey

1 tsp vanilla extract

1/4 cup cacao butter

2 TBS milk powder

How you do it…

Melt the raw cacao butter over low heat – use a double boiler.

Whiz the nuts in a food processor until all stuck together.

Add in the rest of the ingredients and whiz until well combined.

Press into a paper lined tin and chill in the fridge.

Cut into squares when hardened.

Note: you could leave out the milk powder, and it would still work, just maybe not be as creamy.

Will keep experimenting and see if I can get closer to what I was aiming for, but in the meantime fudge anyone?

Taste sensation!

Kristy x

Update: while this recipe was created in my keto days, it still works with my new Dr Ray Peat Inspired diet. This diet is specially formulated for a fast metabolism and healthy hormones. To read more about it, check out my book the Zen Beach Diet.

Zen Beach Diet

(Original Slim Birdy recipe created: 15 March 2014)