Tag Archives: do hormones in milk affect humans

skim milk

Skim Milk is good for you

Skim Milk is good for you. Do you believe me?

I’ve seen it a couple of times now on social media where health bloggers and even a famous, healthy living personality have dissed skim milk, labelling it as highly processed, devoid of nutrients, not real food blah, blah, blah. And they took pride in saying they don’t drink milk anymore anyway!

Despite wanting to answer on those posts and give a different view explaining how skim milk is good for you, my response would be too long.  So I’ll come over here and have a rant on my blog instead!

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Dairy is good for you, or is it?

dairy is goodOf all the addictive things I have cut out of my diet, dairy products were one I had left in for the longest time, despite reading other’s bad experiences of it.

Even though the Paleo and Vegan peeps both shun dairy, I was convinced that I had the Northern European gene that had adapted to dairy and so basically was immune to all the supposed negative effects that plague others.

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