Does eating dairy foods give you big boobs and belly fat?
In my experience – yes it does. But let me explain why I’m not quitting dairy altogether.
Does eating dairy foods give you big boobs and belly fat?
In my experience – yes it does. But let me explain why I’m not quitting dairy altogether.
I had lunch with a friend recently, who like me, has been into the whole losing weight, trying to be healthy thing for years. She had tried everything too but had been in a good place for quite a while. She believed she had found her perfect mix of exercise and eating without too much drama, and she had maintained her 20kg (40lb) weight loss for the longest time.
Until now.
Is it true that stevia causes belly fat?
In this whole weight loss and health game, I like to be my own grand experiment to see what works for me and makes me feel amazing, hopefully all the time.
So I read up on different healthy food related topics, try them on for size, then make up my own mind as to whether what is written is true for me. Which is why I might be in favour of a product at a point in time, but after using for six months or more, I will change my mind because of the effects it has on me.
One of these products for which I have had a recent switch-o change-o is Stevia.