Tag Archives: low carb

pro metabolic

From a Low Carb Diet to Pro Metabolic Part 2 – The OUT list.

So in the last post I detailed all the foods I’m including to switch from a low carb diet to eat in a pro metabolic way, if you need a refresher of what they were, then click here.

Now here is the ‘perhaps they are not as healthy as we thought’ list.

Some entries may shock you as they did me… approach with an open mind…

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Keto Fudge

weight loss


When I was on a Keto diet, all types of Keto Fudge were my favourite thing to make

So I may have hit on something I like even better than raw cacao chocolate – if that’s even possible? I wondered what would happen if I just left out the cacao powder and coconut oil when I was making my homemade chocolate (‘cos the coconut oil and cacao can be kind of overpowering) and ramped up the butter and nut butter content.

Well, it’s kind of awesome.

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