Tag Archives: coconut oil

milk fudge

Chewy Milk Fudge Recipe – Nut Free

We now know that balanced sugar is actually fuel for all cells in the body, and is good for you so long as it’s accompanied by adequate nutrients. I set out to make a milk fudge recipe that ticked all the boxes for taste and nutrition, and left out nuts – see previous post as to why this is important.)

The Indian Burfi sweet treat was actually an inspiration for this. Burfi seems to be made in many different ways – including nuts, but one version with milk powder started the creative neurons firing. (In some cases it’s also called Barfi however that’s not such a great word in English to associate with cooking and eating!)

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white chocolate fruit fudge

White Chocolate Fruit Fudge Recipe


A simple recipe of White Chocolate Fruit Fudge and some great information on reducing tooth sensitivity.

So since I’ve been eating a little more along the Dr Ray Peat principles, read what that is here. I’ve found that drinking sweetened tea or coffee with honey and not rinsing between, has affected my teeth. A bit of sensitivity and lingering dull pain here and there.

Cut straight to the end – I’ve fixed it – however it started me looking into the remineralisation of teeth.

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cherry orange slice

Cherry Orange Festive Slice

So this slice started out as something a little different and morphed into the delicious Cherry Orange Festive Slice!

I had just whacked together a few things in my pantry and fridge and was expecting to work miracles again without too much effort. Unfortunately this time… not so lucky.

My taste testers said “yeah it’s ok, but a bit bland.” And I had to agree. Not sweet enough or flavoursome at all really. It was kind of like my White Christmas Slice but no where near as good.

So luckily with these melt and mix type creations, you can melt it down again and add more things. So that’s what I did.

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macadamia slice

Macadamia Date Slice with Coconut Cream Icing

My forte is melt and mix slices because they work like 99% of time – easy, easy, easy – and that’s why I like this Macadamia Date Slice.

I’ve given up on coconut flour – that’s firmly in the too hard basket – it requires incredible patience and nearly a chemistry degree – and I have neither! Well, no patience with cooking anyway – with people, that’s another story. I posted a coconut flour recipe run down on facebook last week from people who are far better at it than me – see it here.

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white chocolate coconut

White Chocolate Coconut Slice

Steering a little away from peanut butter and chocolate this week, I thought I would revisit some of my white treats and create something new. Presenting White Chocolate Coconut Slice.

This is a step up from the White Chocolate Fudge recipe and is even more creamy and tastes even more like those chewy Milk Shake lollies of my youth. (I was sure my teeth were going to come out chewing those lollies.)

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Cherry Chocolate Jelly Slice

cherry choc slice

I have a confession to make. This recipe for Cherry Chocolate Jelly Slice was supposed to be something entirely different. It was supposed to be ice-cream!

With cherry season here I had visions in my head of this deliciously creamy ice-cream with chunks of cherry and chocolate through it and a bit of a crunch of macadamia nuts – heavenly, dreamy and yum.

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coconut fudge

Chocolate Fudge Super Rich

I love this Chocolate Fudge because it is super easy, as is my preference. It was just a tweak on my Homemade Chocolate mix that made it completely different, rich, decadent and just all over Oh My Goodness!

I love it when I have cooking weeks where everything works! I had a few disasters not that long ago where the result was so bad that even I couldn’t eat it – very rare as I hate to waste food. But this week was truly stellar, so here is one of the recipes today and the rest will follow in the weeks to come.

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Keto Fudge

weight loss


When I was on a Keto diet, all types of Keto Fudge were my favourite thing to make

So I may have hit on something I like even better than raw cacao chocolate – if that’s even possible? I wondered what would happen if I just left out the cacao powder and coconut oil when I was making my homemade chocolate (‘cos the coconut oil and cacao can be kind of overpowering) and ramped up the butter and nut butter content.

Well, it’s kind of awesome.

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Protein Chocolate Bars


weight loss, healthy, sugarfree,

Everyone seems to live life in a rush these days, racing to work, play or exercise.  I don’t think it’s slowing down any time soon, so these Protein Chocolate Bars will have you eating healthy on the run.

This is why I love my protein packed treats that you can make once a week and keep in the fridge or freezer for a quick breakfast or snack any time.

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