Tag Archives: saturated fat


Cheeses Protein vs Fat

There is no doubt that cheese is a wonderful food in the Ray Peat line up. When weight loss is a consideration however, the protein vs fat equation comes into play in all the cheeses you are eating.

This post was inspired by two of the members of our private Facebook group who were discussing cottage cheese and the fact that it was awful and tasteless. Another issue was gut irritation.

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Polyunsaturated fats cause weight gain

PUFAs cause weight gain

You are probably thinking, “what’s she on about now?!!” Well I’ve just discovered that polyunsaturated fats cause weight gain and many other undesirable things!

It’s just amazing to me how these things are totally around out there, but they don’t sink into my brain until I am ready to listen to it.

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Peanut Butter Fudge

peanut butter fudge

So I was drooling over everyone else’s Peanut Butter Fudge online and I really love any recipe that doesn’t require me to haul out the food processor – I totally have to be in the mood to go that far! Anyway, as you know I love Peanut Butter, so what could be better than little squares of this loveliness to tantalise your taste buds whenever you get the urge?

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