Tag Archives: australia

Australian Gelatin and gummy lollies


So last week I mentioned one other food I was researching and experimenting with along with the psyllium husk disaster zone and that is gelatin. Luckily I’ve found a fantastic source of Australian Gelatin.

So you mean that stuff that makes jelly and is made from horses hooves, cows and pigs carcass and everything else scraped off the killing room floor? Well…yes sort of and yes all animal. So if you are vegetarian or vegan, you might want to stop reading right now.  As I have explained before, my approach to the food I eat is what feels good to me in terms of physical effects – energy levels, no pain, bloating, tiredness, nothing that is addictive to me, preferring anything that makes me feel refreshed, nourished, and alive. Sometimes that extends to animals and animal products like fish, eggs, occasional dairy and now gelatin.

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