Tag Archives: Hypothyroid diet

Thyroid Diet and Hormones

A good friend sent me a message after my Insta story post on the Keto Diet causes Hair loss.

She was trying to convince me that it was menopause causing the hair loss and had  nothing to do with diet.  “It’s all about hormones,” she said.

Yes menopause can cause hair loss, absolutely.

Double yes, it totally is about hormones.

But she is 100% incorrect to say that diet doesn’t play a part. Diet is a massive contributor to how your hormones function.

I am the perfect example, I changed from Keto which is an anti Thyroid Diet to a Pro Metabolic Thyroid Supporting Diet and my thinning hair grew back.

Let’s discuss just one aspect –  feeding the Thyroid properly.

The Thyroid requires sufficient carbohydrates to function optimally. It controls the entire metabolic rate of your body and how efficiently you create and use energy.

Once you mess with this and don’t eat enough carbs, it slows your body down. This in turn slows down your body’s ability to remove excess estrogen, causing an estrogen dominance situation, leading to all kinds of issues.

Issues like this:

  • abnormal menstruation (heavy/painful periods),
  • PMS,
  • headaches,
  • bloating,
  • mood swings,
  • fatigue,
  • anxiety & depression,
  • breast tenderness,
  • endometriosis,
  • fibroids,
  • hormonal weight gain
  • breast cancer

Also once you are in an estrogen dominant state, this further negatively impacts how the thyroid works as well. So it becomes a vicious cycle.

All because you didn’t eat carbs or enough of them!

(There are good and not so good carbs to have, learn which are which in my FREE 7 day email course. Click here to get started.)

Then there’s progesterone. Your thyroid also stimulates progesterone production.

So we’re back at the start— no carbs, wrecking thyroid function and then progesterone stops too.

Following this pattern, you wouldn’t be surprised to learn that testosterone also declines when thyroid function declines.

So this is just one tiny glimpse of it and if you’re so inclined, you can study it until you’re blue in the face.

Or you can just grab a copy of the ZEN Beach Diet and start living the life  – enough of the right food, enough sun, enough of the right type of gentle exercise, enough rest and just enough of the good habits to let nature work it’s magic.

Bliss out.


Kristy x

Note: For those still on the Keto, Carnivore, Low Carb train and say you don’t need to eat carbs, your body can make them from fat – it is true that they can be made. However when you are relying on this conversion for your entire fuel, it puts the body under stress, which it can’t keep up forever. I think I lasted 10 years on Keto because I didn’t exercise much. Those who do will fall apart much quicker. 

Lemon Coffee

Ray Peat Inspired Diet

ray peat dietIt’s been an eye opening last 6 months for me on the healthy food front and I’ve discovered most health information is wrong!

I’ve found a whole different angle of nutrition in a Ray Peat inspired diet. It’s based on nourishing, healing and nurturing your body. It supports healthy hormones, regulates your blood sugar, encourages repair and rejuvenation and is basically everything you need for a super healthy body, fast metabolism and easy weight loss/maintenance.

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body temperature weight loss

Body temperature affects weight loss

Did you know that body temperature affects weight loss?

Do you know what your resting temperature is?

How about 30 mins after you eat food?

Why do all these measures matter anyway?

Well turns out your body temperature and heart rate are like a little window into your metabolic system and give a good indication if it’s cranking properly or spluttering to a halt. Health professionals are using these measures along with blood work and checking a list of symptoms, to give a true picture of what’s working, what’s not and if your hormones and thyroid may be out of whack.

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