Tag Archives: How to lose belly fat women

cortisol belly fat

How high cortisol causes belly fat

Ever wondered how high cortisol causes belly fat?

We’ve been told that cortisol contributes to stubborn belly fat, but what is it, and how is it creeping into our lives?

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weight loss

At first I was losing weight, now it’s coming back!

I had lunch with a friend recently, who like me, has been into the whole losing weight, trying to be healthy thing for years. She had tried everything too but had been in a good place for quite a while. She believed she had found her perfect mix of exercise and eating without too much drama, and she had maintained her 20kg (40lb) weight loss for the longest time.

Until now.

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Weight loss resolutions

new year, diary, weight loss, resolutions, fresh start

I was a diary writer from a young age and every New Years Day, I loved to get out the brand new Letts diary Christmas present. Weight loss resolutions always factored in.

The first day of the year, so fresh and clean like the first diary page, so full of hope and optimism. I would consider how I would like the year to unfold and I would go weigh myself and write – current weight 85kgs (187lbs), this year get to 65kgs (143lbs.)

There was no concrete plan as to how to do this. Sometimes it was just thoughts of “I am really going to stick to xyz diet” or “I am going to run and exercise every day.” But a few days in and usually it was shot to pieces. That ice cream or chocolate being just too tempting and when you have a bit, you have ruined everything, so you might as well eat the lot. Continue reading