Tag Archives: goal weight

New year goals

new year goalsHappy New Year Goals!

I’m excited again at the start of a new year, it does it to me every time. Not sure why, maybe it’s the holidays and so you are more relaxed and actually have time to think about your life and make plans. Or maybe it’s time to brush yourself off and start again.

What ever it is, I like it!

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new year, holiday, resolutions, weight loss,

10 ways to help your weight loss resolutions stick

Ah yes, New Year. New beginnings, a fresh start, a chance to wipe the slate clean and this time stick to those weight loss resolutions to get to your goal weight.

So it’s two weeks in and how are you travelling so far?

If you were anything like me, you would have already blown it by now. Those habits are deeply ingrained and take a little more than a fanciful thought or even signing up to a 12-week program to make a permanent change. We are talking f-o-r-e-v-e-r people, so it may take some persistent, consistent reminders and shifts to change 20/30/40 year old habits. So try this on… Continue reading