So I’m back from the wilds of Iceland and Scotland and did a lot of holiday eating and carbohydrate loading accidentally!
Seriously, if you’ve ever thought you may like to visit Iceland one day, please do yourself a favour and do it.
It is totally like another planet with variations in landscape that are mind-blowing. You can drive 5km and see green rolling hills with waterfalls, trees and mountains, then jet black bare volcanic dirt as far as the eye can see. Then the jet black dirt has rocks on it, then the rocks have tufts of grass, then it’s these round rocks with fluorescent green thick moss all over them. But the strange part is – it’s one or the other – there is never a mixture. Really bizarre. And ice lagoons, and the black beach with chunks of ice on it and of course the aurora – just wow!
Anyway, to see some stunning photographic videos and amazing drone footage check out my hubby’s Iceland Youtube series here and images on cards to wall prints and more available here.