This little cardio workout at home is about the limit of what needs to be done for health. Did you know that intense cardio can actually damage your health?
There is no exercise that can actually increase your metabolism per se, only exercise that can lower it. When it’s too hard and extreme it may damage your thyroid and engage stress hormones too often.
I’m so excited to advise that I’ve created a new home workout for a fast metabolism called…
One Ten Toned
– An easy exercise plan for a fast metabolism and a healthy toned body.
It’s been a labour of love and there are a few people to thank, but first you may be wondering, “Why exercise, isn’t food your thing?”
Yes indeed it is, but for real health, exercise is part of it too. However just like extreme diets, people have been going whacko over extreme exercise like Cross Fit, marathon running, super heavy weights or exercising twice a day for an hour at a time, and all it’s doing is breaking people down and damaging their bodies. They think it’s healthy or helps with weight loss and actually for most, it’s not true.
The best way to lose weight is a complete lifestyle change. When I was overweight I never really understood what a complete lifestyle change really meant. It turns out others don’t either.
So I was chatting to a social media follower, let’s call her Betty and we got to talking after she commented on one of my posts where the theme was ‘I walk because I hate running.’
I have been reading a few health books lately, specifically about grains and weight loss. The interesting thing is that they exactly mirror my beliefs on this subject and reveal at least five weight loss mistakes that people make.
My beliefs of course stem from my own experience but also of witnessing the plight of others who keep trying to do the ‘diet and exercise’ advice and fail spectacularly for years. Some never succeed and spend most of their lives miserable. (After dishing out hundreds of dollars on programs that can never work.)
So I was perusing instagram as I like to read other people’s stories about how they live healthy lives or tackle weight loss and there was one profile that caught my eye for all the wrong reasons. Let’s call her Weight Watchers Wendy.
Do you know how many calories a day you use just living? That is, your basal metabolic rate?
When researching the post on exercise for weight loss, I came across this piece which showed why the hour a day or three times a week exercise regime that most of us are doing, isn’t doing much for our weight loss goals.
It’s partly to do with what happens for the rest of our 23 hours per day. Also the fact that poor eating choices do far more damage than can be fixed by moderate exercise.
It has to be something like 90 mins of intense exercise daily to have any effect on your weight and many of us can’t keep that up. Or like me, I don’t want to, it’s just not the life I want to lead. Not to mention the fact that it lowers your metabolism.
So let’s check out the daily calorie burn just by living, basal metabolic rate thing…
The articles published recently about the questionable effective relationship of exercise for weight loss mirror my experiences.
It’s funny because I have worked things out for myself for a long time now regarding weight loss based on how it feels for my body. It has led me to the place I am now – happy, healthy the weight I want to be without much effort at all.
It helped me wade through the information overwhelm which is mostly conflicting and arrive at my truth.
The best exercise for losing weight is less intense than you think. We’ve been led to believe that we must thrash ourselves constantly for it to be effective. However all that happens is it raises stress and lowers our metabolism, making it harder to lose weight.
If you’ve ever said to yourself, “I really should do some exercise” but that was 10 years ago, then ONE TEN TONED is the program for you.
Short, fun, super simple, yet effective to develop long lean muscles without the bulk. Avoiding all those hurtful, hateful exercises like burpees, jump squats, sit ups, straight leg lifts, planks and running, which can be really damaging to the knees, back and neck.
only 10 minutes of light weights a day building to medium weights
clearly explains why this method works for muscle tone
30 day planner of exercises
pictures showing each exercise
explains why cardio may be damaging your health
explains the link between the right exercise & weight loss & how we’ve been doing it wrong
song playlist to make it fun
suitable for beginners
it’s the best exercise for losing weight
“It’s the only exercise I’ve ever looked forward to doing every day!” – Author Kristy Alford
One Ten Toned – An easy exercise plan for a fast metabolism and toned body. eBook AU$9.95 (US$6.50, GBP 5.15) Available for immediate download worldwide.
“I love the simplicity of this program, it makes it so easy!” – Rita A
“Finally an exercise program I actually want to do!” – Linda Z
“I am just so excited to wake up and do another exercise! That has never happened in my life before.”Author – Kristy Alford
“Thank you Kristy, your program leaves no room for excuses. Fitting 10 minutes into a day is so easy and the benefits remarkable” – Pam M
“I love that it’s only 10 mins, so easy to fit into my busy day!” – Ingrid Praniuk
Vocologist/Professor/Voice teacher to professional musicians/actors
“Love that the exercises are so doable.” – Anna D.
“I bought One Ten Toned in an effort to find a sustainable simple workout for my mom and I. I’m used to the concept of “workouts” entailing high stress, high impact sensations, and was intrigued by the prospect of a low impact, low stress but effective workout. I was blown away by everything I read. The workouts definitely work my muscles, but without the impact and pain I could no longer manage from a workout. They are simple and easy to incorporate every single day. I have been telling a lot of my friends about this unique system!” – Maggie Miller –Natural Health and Wellness Tribe
“I recently purchased your book, One Ten Toned and I must say, words truly can’t express how grateful I am to you for writing this book. It has freed me from years and years of struggling with my workout inconsistencies. I’ve started and stopped numerous exercise programs. I fooled myself over and over, believing that I was working out consistently but what I was actually doing was finding every excuse not to work out on many more days than when I would actually do it. I don’t know how you thought to come up with this marvellous and very unique exercise program. It’s so perfect, not only in that it is just short enough to want to do it every day, but also simple enough to do even when I’m having a hectic day. Again I can’t thank you enough.” – Isabel
Really appreciate that Emily took the time to get in touch and share her experience with One Ten Toned. She goes on to say…
“...bought a copy of your eBook about three months ago and since then have been (most days) getting my daily 10 minutes of exercises. Your instructions are so helpful and really make exercise stress free and fun. This is coming from a super busy mama of three boys under 6 and sufferer of an auto immune disease and adrenal fatigue! I had tried and failed so many times to put in place regular exercise practice until I found your book.
I already feel stronger and real improvements to my posture – and this summer I got into my swimsuit with confidence that I have a more toned and able body! Looking forward to keeping this up in 2019! Thanks so much for all you do.” – Emily Clare.
So thrilled it’s working for Emily, me and others too.
Further information:
86 pages, 22 mg PDF, available for immediate download after purchase.
Purchase any three of my three Ray Peat Inspired books & receive a BONUS Fat Burner HIIT guide to ramp up your weight loss without damaging your health, absolutely FREE.
That is buy ANY three of the Zen Beach Diet, One Ten Toned,Sweet Treats, 3 Day Summer RESTART or Lemon Coffee plus Pro Metabolic Diet – Weight Loss Dynamite and I will manually send you the Bonus Guide when I see the sale come through.
Is weighing yourself every day weight loss motivation for you?
I was checking through some instagram posts on what people are up to with their own approaches to losing weight and a person posted a question…
“Do you weigh yourself every day?”
The owner of that account went on to say how they do weigh in every day; another one said ‘yes it keeps me on track.’ My head was screaming – “no way! Keeps you on track for what? Total obsession about how much you weigh and how much you haven’t lost today?”
If a healthy weight loss is to lose 500g (1lb) per week (that is if this is permanent weight loss that you won’t put on again in a flash) then for six days out of the seven what are you looking at? ‘No haven’t lost it yet. No haven’t lost it yet….’