Tag Archives: sweet potato

Sweet potato frosting vanilla

Vanilla Sweet Potato Frosting


I was totally in love with the taste and concept of Chocolate Sweet Potato Frosting.

A vegetable for goodness sake!

It was easy to work with and as my taste testers said, “just tastes like chocolate cream.”

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chocolate frosting

Chocolate Frosting made with Sweet Potato

Full confession: this Chocolate Frosting made from Sweet Potato was not my idea.

I first heard about it on Mummy Made it and because I am currently zoned in on all things icing and frosting at the moment to zshush up my creations, I thought I would explore further.

Google reveals that quite a few knew about this about 5 years ago and I’m late to the party! Better late than never right?

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Chocolate Brownies with Sweet Potato


So while my last blog post was about how raw cacao is not that great for you after all (read it here)   – here’s a Chocolate Brownie recipe using cacao!


It’s ok, I haven’t gone mad, it’s just that I wanted to clarify that you don’t necessarily have to give it up altogether.

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